Cycling Plans

The Best Training Plans For Your Goals

Tailored Training Solutions

Event and Goal Based plans are delivered immediately, while our unique 3 Month Made For You Plans are custom built to match your schedule, goals and ability. Both types of plans are delivered via Training Peaks and once applied to your account are yours to follow, modify, or reapply later.

Training Peaks is Where Your Cycling Plan Lives

Peter has used TrainingPeaks for over 20 years to deliver professional training plans and coaching. Training Peaks is a software platform that allows seamless communication between coaches and athletes. Coaches can plan, track, and analyse athlete training while athletes can review their workouts, get downloadable workouts for Zwift and Garmin devices and also monitor progress, analyse data, set goals, and communicate with coaches.

Which Type of Training Plan Do I Need?

Premade Plans for Specific Goals or Events


Premade Event and Goal plans are a fantastic choice if you're seeking a ready-to-use plan to provide a path towards your goal or event. They are ideal for those looking for workout ideas, progressions, and have a predictable schedule where some adjustments to the plan are acceptable.


  • Ready to start anytime
  • General plans that progress to a goal (e.g. Base or increase FTP) or event (e.g.
  • Unbound or ‘100 mile MTB race’
  • Yours to use forever! Reapply plans you like at any time (e.g. repeat a base plan next year!)


3 Month Made for You Training Plans


3 Month Made For You plans are customised specifically for you, which takes longer to deliver but minimises the need for adjusting and tweaking to fit your schedule. Athletes appreciate these plans because they include your preferred bikes, gear, tools, environments, groups and races so the plan uses what you already do well and what you want to do. The plans also help push you to include enough of the training you need to do for your goals!


  • Minimise friction, frustration and guessing
  • Your exact race and group ride dates programmed in
  • Setting of your Zones
  • Setting up your Annual Plan (ATP/YTP)
  • Cleaning of your error data (power/hr)

Common Goals for Athletes Using Training Plans

Training plans are like roadmaps that get you from where you are now to the startline of your next event, or to the next cycling fitness goal on your list. Cyclists have purchased our training plans for goals like:

Conquering Bucket List Events like Leadville 100, Stage Races, Unbound etc.

Improved Fitness or Health – start or return to training.

Boosting FTP (Threshold Power) and no longer fearing the dreaded 20 minute tests

Successfully implement running, strength or cross training while still cycling.

Racing regional races and thriving on group rides

Base Building – including guidance on how much is enough for your goals.

Why Use Consummate Athlete Cycling Training Plans

A mountain biker maneuvers a sharp turn on a forest trail, sunlight filtering through the trees, highlighting dust in the air. she is focused and wearing a purple jersey and safety gear.

Our training plans have been some of the top sellers on Training Peaks for over a decade, thanks to their easy-to-follow structure, links to how-tos, and event-specific advice and tips/workouts for adding in cross-training like strength and yoga.

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Flexible Service – complete one plan or combine numerous plans back to back!

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Get event and goal specific tips from athletes who have gone before you

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Access to workouts and plans built for busy, adult athletes just like you

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Plans include general strength/core/yoga guidance and downloads

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Commit to a plan so you can make progress

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Structured Download Workouts for Zwift, Garmin etc. (as relevant)

Success Stories

Molly is a wealth of knowledge. Her passion for biking, mobility, womens health and enjoyment of the sport is evident in her sessions. It is always a pleasure to collaborate with her.

Sarah Applegarth

Sarah Applegarth

Exercise Physiologist

I’m very happy to offer a whole-hearted recommendation for Coach Glassford’s plans! They are so comprehensive, so effective and a fantastic addition to anyone’s training!



It’s not only the custom training plan; I learned about sleeping, eating, cross training, self confidence. Peter is as much a coach as a sport psychologist, always listening and encouraging.



I have to admit I put all my faith on your podcast on power to weight. I have been able to stay off a scale now for the past couple of seasons and concentrating on making sure I'm fueled properly and I think it is paying off with bigger power.



100% recommend Peter’s custom plans. I was so lost before. Now my plan fits my schedule and I have a path to success. I have seen tremendous gains. Can’t wait to start the next block.



The whole Consummate Athlete package has gone way beyond my expectations and I could not have imagined that such a thing existed when I first signed up. Big, huge thanks to Peter and Molly!



Peter centered my training and put me on the path to not only finish races, but make achievable progress and enrich my cycling lifestyle



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