3 Months to MTB Nationals Training Plan



XCO mountain bike – 12 weeks out – 3 month plan

This plan is best applied 8-12 weeks ahead of your goal of Cross-Country or ‘XCO’ mountain bike race under 3 hours. It focuses on developing speed and off-road proficiency.

Ideally, you will have completed a general preparation or ‘base’ phase to establish fitness and cycling skills before this more specific block of training. It is appropriate for riders who have raced and trained before (intermediate/advanced)

If your race is further away, consider the Offroad Base Plan

The plan can be adjusted from ~6-15 hours per week, more restrictive or larger volume plans are best done as 100% made for you 3 month plans (see below)

It includes guidance for heart rate and RPE and occasionally power but is very focused on MTB riding fast so power is not emphasized or required.

For more advanced or ambitious goals, we offer 3 months 100% Made For You Plans, which often works better as it takes your schedule, goals, equipment, and abilities into account

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