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What Is ERG Mode on the Trainer (and How to Use It)
This post will help you understand ERG mode, a common feature on Smart Trainer Software, Apps, and older Head Units (e.g. Computrainer). What is ERG mode? "The power you are able to produce on the bike is the product of torque (force on the pedal) x angular velocity...
Beyond Survival Mode: How to Unlock Your Potential with Steve Magness
This episode of The Consummate Athlete, we sit down with performance expert and bestselling author, Steve Magness, to unpack the core principles of his groundbreaking new book, Win the Inside Game. Steve shares his personal journey from the high-pressure world of...
Using Failure: Missed Goals and Resolutions
By the end of January, many of us have already fumbled our New Year’s resolutions. Maybe we were done by 'Quitters Day' or maybe we actually got through Dry January, or dryish. It might be FTP goals, Daily streaks or dietary resolutions. The lofty goals we set with...
What Is ERG Mode on the Trainer (and How to Use It)
This post will help you understand ERG mode, a common feature on Smart Trainer Software, Apps, and older Head Units (e.g. Computrainer). What is ERG mode? "The power you are able to produce on the bike is the product of torque (force on the pedal) x angular velocity...
What is a VO2 Max Lab Test Really Like?
Do you really need a VO2 Max test? That was a question I was asking myself as I nervously walked into the Human Powered Health Lab in Boston, MA, back in October. I was there to spend time with the women on the Human Powered Health Cycling Team, a team that I have a...
5 Healthy Holiday Habits for Masters Cyclists
We talk about it a lot on the consummate athlete podcast (check it out and subscribe!), but wanted to drop in here to wish everyone a healthy, safe holiday, and to remind you that no matter how your healthy habits fare this holiday season, it's only a small part of...
So You Signed Up for a Bike Race… Now What?
If you recently signed up for a bike race, whether it’s your first gravel grinder, a local mountain bike series, a new-to-you enduro or a MTB stage race, you may be feeling a little panicked. The race is a few months away, so what the heck are you supposed to do? You...
Choosing Your Values – And Applying Them to Training + Racing
As we head into the new year and goal setting season, we’ve been reflecting a lot on our values, and then using that lens to figure out our race schedule and work/life goals for this coming year. One of our favorite podcast guests, Dr. Josie Perry, shared a few...
Category Upgrades & Should You Keep Racing as You Get Older?
In this episode of the Consummate Athlete Podcast, we tackle two important questions for masters cyclists about racing, category upgrades, and the evolution of athletic goals as we get older. Coach Peter Glassford and Author Molly Hurford dive into the nuances of...
New 8-Minute Yoga for Anytime
Looking for a quick mid-day reset, an easy morning wakeup, or a post- or pre-ride flow to feel nice and limber? We’ve got you covered with this quick 8-minute yoga flow with Molly!
A Training Plan Matters—Even If You’re Not Racing
I know the idea of having a training plan when you don't have a race on the calendar might seem a little weird—but as a cyclist (or any endurance athlete!) there are so many benefits to having structured training, and a specific-to-cycling training plan. Trust me, as...
Short Strength + Stretch Routine – Video
Since we were talking marginal gains on the podcast this week and mentioned my morning routine (still going strong after 9 years… longer than our marriage!), I wanted to make a new video walking you through a 10-minute version. You may need to modify it at first,...
Using Failure: Missed Goals and Resolutions
By the end of January, many of us have already fumbled our New Year’s resolutions. Maybe we were done by 'Quitters Day' or maybe we actually got through Dry January, or dryish. It might be FTP goals, Daily streaks or dietary resolutions. The lofty goals we set with...
Well, We Made It Through Blue Monday + Quitters Day!
The third Monday in January is also known as Blue Monday, and apparently is the most depressed day of the year. And bonus, it's followed by 1/19, deemed Quitters Day by Strava as the day most people stop their resolutions. Insert Sad Trombone Here. It's the week most...
How Can You Make Healthy Choices Easier?
As many people do, we often start reassessing habits we have around this time of year, revamping some and adding/subtracting others. Ultimately, we’re always looking for ways to make healthy choices easier in the new year, based on where we are in life at the moment…...
The Lazy Baker’s Guide to Easy Sourdough Bread – Video + Recipe
I got into baking sourdough in earnest two years ago when we got home from my 100-miler because, well, I was hungry and had a couple weeks off. And what I realized after a lot of trial and error was that most recipes were far too complicated (even the ones that...
The BS of Athlete Food Diaries – And What to Think About Instead
Thanks to social media, it's not just the top level athletes who are sharing their 'food diaries' or 'what I eat in a day' posts. Now, everyone is sharing them. And while some of them are impressively calorie-laden and actually fuel the work the athletes are doing,...
Organizing Your In-Ride Food and Hydration—Kitchen Cleanout
If you're anything like us, you probably have a random drawer or two or three that houses your in-run or in-ride food and hydration mix. Maybe it's scattered throughout your kitchen and garage and dresser with all your other cycling gear. Because being able to eat and...
How Overfilled is Your Life? Why We Love the Cup Metaphor
If you are a regular here at, you know we love referencing Greg Lehman's 'cup' metaphor for stress and injury. Simply put, it's the idea that as humans we have a certain capacity for stressors (the cup) and that if too many stressors are poured...
Do You Need a Sunday Reset as an Athlete?
I love a Sunday Reset in general, as someone who works for herself and as someone who—by nature of working for herself from home—tends to have a few household things pile up over the course of the workweek. But I’m also realizing that a Sunday Reset is also an...
5 Off- and On-Bike Things I Learned on Our inGamba Bike Tour
This fall, we were lucky enough to spend a few days in Italy, riding some of the best roads that Tuscany had to offer, sipping some of the best wines from the region, and eating food prepared by a master chef every night for dinner. Did I mention the daily massages?...
Women Specific
Are You Buying Gear or Buying Time?
I had to laugh a few months ago. I was riding with a time-strapped friend and we were chatting about the latest pair wheelset that promised to give you an extra 10 watts (or rather, save you 10 watts). She had a big race on the schedule in a few months, and she was...
Why You Need a Post-Race Ritual—Even 20 Minutes!
I wrote this thinking about the women in my life that I know. I've seen my friends cross the finish line, and before they've even caught their breath, they're back into real life, making sure the kids have snacks and are ready to get home, all while still...
Dr. Stacy Sims – Weight Lifting, Protein, Menopause [Rebroadcast]
This is our most popular episode in 2023 so we are rebroadcasting this important interview with Dr. Stacy Sims. Her mission is to help women better understand their bodies and elevate them in research, science, sport, and ultimately, in life. The ideas that that...
Do You Need a Sunday Reset as an Athlete?
I love a Sunday Reset in general, as someone who works for herself and as someone who—by nature of working for herself from home—tends to have a few household things pile up over the course of the workweek. But I’m also realizing that a Sunday Reset is also an...
Last Minute Gifts for Athletes in Your Life
So it’s almost time for the gift exchange and you completely lost track of time and forgot to get a gift for the cyclist/runner/athlete in your life. It happens. First of all, DO NOT PANIC… or panic shop. In fact, if you don’t see anything on this gift guide you want...
What We Wear: Molly’s Cold Weather Run Gear in 2024
We talked on the podcast about how we layer for winter training—our top cold weather running and cold weather cycling clothes—and I wanted to do a deeper dive into a few of the pieces that I've been really enjoying this season. Some of them are tried-and-true and have...
New 8-Minute Yoga for Anytime
Looking for a quick mid-day reset, an easy morning wakeup, or a post- or pre-ride flow to feel nice and limber? We’ve got you covered with this quick 8-minute yoga flow with Molly!
Short Strength + Stretch Routine – Video
Since we were talking marginal gains on the podcast this week and mentioned my morning routine (still going strong after 9 years… longer than our marriage!), I wanted to make a new video walking you through a 10-minute version. You may need to modify it at first,...
How to Ride Down Steep Hills and Drop-offs
Peter did a series of mountain bike skills videos with Canadian Cycling Magazine. This video is on one of the most commonly coached skills, roll downs. Riding down rollins, steep rollable drops or down steps is a super important one for any mountain biker because it...