Time-Limited – Zwift or Smart Trainer Base Training Plan


Build your fitness 3+ months out from your goal event. Uses Smart Trainer ‘structured’ downloads with workouts that can also be taken outside when possible. Includes strength/core workouts.

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3 Months of INDOOR Base Training Plan for Off-Road Cycling

This 3 month base training plan uses mostly indoor training and strength training to get your ready for the outdoor season. It is made for busy people with minimal time, who are mostly restricted to indoor training. This plan maximizes the time you have! This plan builds your capacity for tempo/sweet spot while also working on skills like single-leg pedaling (and clipping in). It uses short workouts, mostly under an hour and 2 strength workouts per week to help optimize power, body composition and strength. On bike, time is focused on coordination and intensity This plan is best applied 3-8 months ahead of your competition season to allow 3+ months of specific/Build phase for a goal race. Workouts provide options for outdoors or indoors and some cross-training depending on your location. This plan is best applied 3-8 months ahead of your competition season to allow 3+ months of specific/Build phase for your specific event. Is This Plan For You? This plan is for someone with limited time and days to train. It asks for 3-4 days on bike and 2 days strength (one day is strength + bike) Weekly Volume ranges from 4 hours up to ~7.5hrs with options to extend and reduce volume. You can use this plan by HR, Power or RPE (no device) – you do not need to use downloads as the title and description of each workout should allow for completion of the key elements of the workout. If this doesn’t describe you please See all of our plans here !

What Does It Include?

A test is provided to assess endurance and muscular endurance (threshold) and workouts are oriented towards improving those tests You can use Power (via description and/or downloads) and/or Heart rate (using the description) Strength/Core/Mobility is addressed and progressed to help you arrive healthy for your events. PDF Downloads and directions are included in this plan. 2 different routines are used for this 12 week plan Downloads are included for some bike workouts ( for Garmin / Zwift Etc ). Endurance workouts or simple workouts or ones focused on technical skill may not have download to avoid confusion and direct your focus on relevant information for the goal of the workout.

Do you have an Irregular Schedule or Want a Custom Training Plan?

Consummate Athlete offers a unique 3 months Made For You Plan, which eliminate much of the friction of pre-made plans because it takes your schedule, goals, equipment, and abilities into account Learn about 3 Month Made For You Training Plans Please feel free to Email Peter for more details Get the plan here via Training Peaks (instant and paid in USD)

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