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Realistic Goal Setting for Events

Realistic Goal Setting for Events

Today on the Consummate Athlete podcast, we discuss how our expectations can shape our success or failure. We cover the delicate balance of striving for progress and aspiring for more while avoiding unrealistic goals. Through athlete case studies from the adult,...



Finish Leadville Faster

Finish Leadville Faster

Success in endurance races like the Leadville 100-mile MTB race isn't just about logging endless training hours. The race's challenging terrain and high altitude demand a strategic approach beyond sheer fitness. Leadville Success Without Training More In this article,...



What Are You Trying to Prove?

What Are You Trying to Prove?

When you log the extra mile, do the extra workout, add the extra group ride or sneak in another race onto a packed schedule... What are you trying to prove? I found myself asking, well, myself this exact question last week when I was trying to do a big week of...


Small Habits to Try to Improve Digestion

Small Habits to Try to Improve Digestion

I recently wrote about dealing with gut distress during a race, and the ways to avoid that race day gut. But for most of us who deal with what I’ll call “gut issues” (of many different varieties), it’s not just a race day situation. We know that things like irritable...


How to Train When You’re on Vacation

How to Train When You’re on Vacation

So you're going on vacation, but you still want to train: How do you make time for training while you're sipping margaritas on the beach or herding your family through a waterpark? Plan ahead for vacation in your training schedule It's easy to forget to inform your...

Women Specific

Are You Buying Gear or Buying Time?

Are You Buying Gear or Buying Time?

I had to laugh a few months ago. I was riding with a time-strapped friend and we were chatting about the latest pair wheelset that promised to give you an extra 10 watts (or rather, save you 10 watts). She had a big race on the schedule in a few months, and she was...


My Top 5 Cycling Tips

My Top 5 Cycling Tips

Getting started in cycling? Here's what I really, really wish I had known when I got started—maybe then I wouldn't have spent the first 2 years riding in my gym shorts instead of finding comfortable bibs! If you're not new to cycling, some of these may seem a little...

Dealing with Chafe on the Bike and Run

Dealing with Chafe on the Bike and Run

It’s summer, which means you ride more, you run more, and you sweat more. And, unless you’re very, very lucky, you chafe more. So, we’re chatting about a few of our favorite chafe-fighting tips for the ride and the run! Biking Chafe Tips Assess the Situation: Does the...


How to Ride Down Steep Hills and Drop-offs

How to Ride Down Steep Hills and Drop-offs

Peter did a series of mountain bike skills videos with Canadian Cycling Magazine. This video is on one of the most commonly coached skills, roll downs. Riding down rollins, steep rollable drops or down steps is a super important one for any mountain biker because it...

Build Confidence on MTB Jumps – Video

Build Confidence on MTB Jumps – Video

If you find you are nervous about getting airborne on your bike or have the desire to learn to jump than this post and video is for you!  You can learn how to jump your bike! Peter has made a series of mountain bike skills videos with Canadian Cycling Magazine, and...

Unlock Race Day Planner

Unlock Race Day Planner

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Unlock Goal Setting Toolkit

Unlock Goal Setting Toolkit

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Unlock Women Saddle Guide

Unlock Women Saddle Guide

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Unlock Bike Safety Printable

Unlock Bike Safety Printable

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Unlock Getting Your Gear Organized

Unlock Getting Your Gear Organized

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Unlock Racing Cyclocross

Unlock Racing Cyclocross

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