How to Train When You’re on Vacation

How to Train When You’re on Vacation

So you’re going on vacation, but you still want to train: How do you make time for training while you’re sipping margaritas on the beach or herding your family through a waterpark? Plan ahead for vacation in your training schedule It’s easy to forget...
Small Habits to Try to Improve Digestion

Small Habits to Try to Improve Digestion

I recently wrote about dealing with gut distress during a race, and the ways to avoid that race day gut. But for most of us who deal with what I’ll call “gut issues” (of many different varieties), it’s not just a race day situation. We know that things like irritable...
My Top 5 Cycling Tips

My Top 5 Cycling Tips

Getting started in cycling? Here’s what I really, really wish I had known when I got started—maybe then I wouldn’t have spent the first 2 years riding in my gym shorts instead of finding comfortable bibs! If you’re not new to cycling, some of these...

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