Active Travel for the Consummate Athlete

by | Sep 21, 2016 | Lifestyle, Podcast

Travel Tips, Adventure, digital nomad, work-life,

Molly and Peter talk travel. How to eat, how to work, how to train/exercise and how to take care of yourself on the road.

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Social / links 

 Check out These links for more travel articles by Molly
Molly’s SaddleSoreWomen Site – 
Molly’s Latest Book ‘Fuel Your Ride’ world class experts and pros strategies put into a fun and readable handbook for you to leverage on your next ride.
Tweet at us—@mollyjhurford and @peterglassford


Show Notes

Having options to travel and using travel as opportunity to try new things 


anywhere core routine LINK =>


Best Gear to help travel under $50  ? 
=> Thera-bands –
 => External rotation with thera band
=> hand weights by rhonda rousy –
=> toothbrush cover –
=> digestive bitters for digestion / setting eating –


Thing you stopped doing while traveling that you thought was important ? 
-> Checking in at airport
->  stressing on everything you have to do to get checked in / on plane.
Packing strategy ? 
 –  with bikes ?  – small bags in bike bag + carry on
  – in van – small bags with themes -> know where your riding stuff is


Training while traveling 
 -> have a system that travels – bags, routine for when, schedule it into the day and discuss, morning is usually better.
         – have options -> Walk, Run, Strength/Core, basic bike (mtb or cx over road)


Eating while traveling
  -> Airbnb
   -> whole foods and trader joes – make your own salad ( avocado,
    -> Chipotle and panera bread
    -> sardines on hand

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