XC Life, Injury Recovery – Jenn Jackson

by | Jan 1, 2018 | Podcast

XC Skiing, Mountain Bike, Cross-Country, Strength, injury
Jenn Jackson is an XC Mountain bike racer who won the under-23 National Title in 2017. She is also a former Cross-Country Skier. She loves all things exercising and the training process, especially for endurance based sports – running, skiing, cycling. Trying to find a balance between pursuing excellence in sport and not being defined by these high-performance endeavors.
Follow Jenn on Twitter and Instagram at  @jennjackkson
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Follow Jenn on Twitter and Instagram 

Article on Jenn’s silver medal at Canada Summer Games

Jenn’s Blog on her Nationals 2017 U-23 win in XC Mtb 

SHOW Topics

Sports crossover?
how was it learning a new sport/ skill?
Ski Racing
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what your ‘first-year’ racing was like (learning, what would do differently)
mindset around injury/training!

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