Updated: 7 Day Healthy Kickstart Guide

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Mindset, Nutrition, Training

The 7 Day Healthy Kickstart Guide is updated and ready to help you make some changes just in time for the New Year!

Try the Free 7-Day Healthy Kickstart Guide

How are those New Year’s resolutions, goals, or intentions going?

Hopefully, you’re crushing it. Maybe you’re struggling a little. Maybe you’ve completely gone back to your old habits—habit change is freaking hard, and sometimes, those sweeping changes that make us feel like Beyonce when we announce them to the world are way tougher after the initial high has worn off.

What exactly is it? It’s a seven-day series of emails tackling the big-picture lifestyle changes that most of us are missing, like sleep, movement throughout the day, food and motivation.

We realized that a lot of the questions from Smart Athlete clients and emails we get from Consummate Athlete Podcast listeners aren’t about specific intervals or training techniques, they’re about lifestyle changes that support health and make all the training better.

Sexy or effective?

The non-sexy things like eating a few more veggies, or adding a walk to the day. So, we put together a ‘kickstart program‘ that reminds you to try a few of these habits out each day for a week. Will you do them all forever? No! But we have found that even if one thing sticks … like walking, meditation or yoga then we get a domino effect of awesomeness!

Some easy, some hard

Most days are not hard and take under 5 minutes. The pantry cleanout is the big ask of the week for most people but we ease you into it and even if you spend 5 minutes getting rid of some things in the kitchen that aren’t supporting your goals (donating, composting, etc)

If you’re looking for a kick in the ass to commit to healthier living this year—not just sticking to a training plan, but really making a healthy environment for you and your family—this is a great spot to start. We’ve spent the last couple of months putting this together based on years of our own research, experiences, and client experiences.

And it’s totally free… So there’s no excuse to not start today!

Signing up just means you get 7 days worth of awesome emails from us, tackling all the lifestyle parts that contribute to a happy training environment and creating the best possible version of you!

Try the Free 7-Day Healthy Kickstart Guide


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