Thinking of Quitting Strava?

by | May 23, 2020 | Gear, Training

Earlier this week, Strava announced a major change: To access features like full leaderboards or route makers, subscribers would have to start paying for the $5 month premium plan.

Feelings were mixed: To some, this felt like an outrage and quitting Strava seemed like the obvious option. To others, it made complete sense, paying for a service used daily. We understand both sides of the story, but wanted to offer some context for serious cyclists and runners considering dumping Strava for another alternative. Our first question: Is it worth *not* keeping?

Should You Keep Strava?

I think it is worth reflecting on if it is a subscription you enjoy. If you are upset it is likely that you enjoy the community and otehr features. You could quit the service to save the money but would this affect the time you spend making routes, reduce your social-interaction, or sacrifice your motivation for hard efforts or big rides.

For some people the price is too much. That is completely fine, we are in tough times with COVID right now so it is a frustrating time to change the price of anything. For those who can afford it and who do really like Strava it is likely worth the monthly fee to keep these benefits.

Some people, especially right now, rely on those leaderboard positions to stay motivated. Sure, the sudden need to pay $5 each month feels like something is being taken away from us, but think about how much value you’ve gotten from the free version over the years. Don’t let annoyance with how the company approached making this change force you into dealing with apps that you don’t feel like dealing with! If you truly can’t afford to add another recurring expense, maybe you can continue to use Strava, but accept that you simply won’t be able to use all the features. The free version is still pretty darn good!

If you do decide that you want to break-free from Strava, here are the apps we recommend:

For route navigation


What did we miss? What apps or solutions are you loving?


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