The Gross Workout Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

by | Jun 3, 2019 | Gear, Training

I am obsessed with the topic of gross workout mistakes… probably because when I was writing “Saddle, Sore: Ride Comfortable, Ride Happy” I realized that so many saddle sore issues were SO preventable by just being more on top of hygienic stuff like taking our chamois off ASAP post ride. So, when Nylon asked me to write about that and other gross issues, I was super stoked. With athleisure brands boasting ‘spin to brunch’ tights and tops, things can get a little gnarly.

Mistake #5: Going from spin to brunch

Those bike shorts may be walking the runways, but the combination of sweat, bacteria, and micro-tears in your skin from rubbing up against the saddle of your spin bike can have serious, painful, gross consequences. From UTIs to saddle sores (think painful pimples down there), there are a lot of gnarly things that can happen when you sit in that sweaty set of shorts. No time for a shower? At least use a wipe or wet towel to do a quick swipe, take a minute to let yourself air dry, and then toss on your second pair of leggings for the day… Or give your lady parts some more breathing room by going commando in a maxi dress.

Find out the other 7 mistakes—Click to read: The Gross Workout Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

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