Sept Q&A – Pushups, Beers, Weight Loss Plateau, CX World Cups

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Podcast

pushup, beer, kabush, weight loss, cyclocross, Intervals

Q & A Episode with questions from the listeners. Today Molly and Peter discuss their trip to the first two cyclocross world cups and cross-vegas (and Interbike).

Topics are Geoff Kabush hitting the record for beer-50pushups-beer in under a minute (he mentions this in the episode with him a few weeks ago). We talk about weight loss after you plateau but still want more and how to do max intervals (pacing).

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Tweet at us—@mollyjhurford and @peterglassford 


Kabush hilarious video for his pushup/beer challenge and grouse grind
Max effort intervals: how hard should you go
Peter article on intervals
Dealing with weight loss plateau/belly fat
weight lifting withPeter: how’s it going / what are you doing differently? coach
-= coach clance on instagram –
= Laylor performance systems =-
BMX Training 
 – Video of Peter riding BMX on instagram
core workouts — upper body / lower body: the myth of arm day
Cyclocross World Cup Coverage 
cx hairs twitter
Molly on Performance Bike Facebook at Interbike


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