Running Track & Injury Resilience – Ian Warner

by | Jan 17, 2018 | Podcast

Ian Warner is a 2012 Olympian, author, speaker and has dedicated his life to leadership and helping business to reach their full potential through social media marketing. Ian got into entrepreneurship his first year in college. He started a blog with his brother called Cover Ground and together they ran this for 6 years helping hundreds of thousands of athletes in that time span. Ian has run a clothing line, custom tie companies, masterminds, mobile customer loyalty programs and so much more in his years of being an entrepreneur. Ian has had some success but has had even more failures that have brought heavy lessons with them. Reaching the Olympics and being an entrepreneur has helped him develop a unique approach to life.
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 -> Check out the 7 day Kickstart from Consummate Athlete
 -> Check out Coverage of USA Nats on Youtube and a highlight video from our friends CXhairs (they have much more coverage on the site and the podcast – crosshairs radio)
  – track for Canada 100m sprinting at 2012 Olympic Games in London
  – how he found the track, who he worked with in Toronto
 – Reference to Guelph club (see episode with Kyle Boorsma)
Injuries he has had!
4) Sample Track Workout to try 
 -> 1+1, 1+2, 1+2+2+1 , 2+2+1  70-85% of max for distance
5) warmup for track 
 – make it individual, think about your injuries nad limiters
 -if you have a hamstring or glute issue then that should ALWAYS be part of your warmup and daily maintenence
 – after this do some easy running and strides
5b) What are strides? 
6) Injury – how avoid ?
The Warm-up as a check engine light, see how system is doing … “change the lightbulb while it is flickering, not when it goes out”
LINK TO ARTICLE -> 5 Reasons Athletes Should Pay Much More Attention To Injuries
“Best way to come back from an injury is to not get injured in the first place!”
– every sport has its injuries, each person has their risks and what they are prone to, be proactive on these elements.
– no quick fixes
Some prehab/warmup for Glute/Hamstring and those who sit alot
  – in the office exercises
 – before exercise
8) Post Olympictrainign and lifestyle 
  – how to reduce the urge to eat more – whether you are coming from competitive athletics or just need to reduce your weight
9) APP – KHO Injury 
 – what it is
 – links – KHO_Labs on instagram, twitter and snap ,
 – android app coming Jan/Feb 2018
 – availble to athletes worldwide, practitioners in North America

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