Running Minimalism: How to Apply the Philosophy to Your Training

by | May 7, 2020 | Gear, Mindset

I admit, I’m far from a minimalist in all things, but in my running life, I do try to embrace that philosophy. That doesn’t mean getting rid of all my gear, but it does mean paring down to just what I love (and not adding tons of crap to my gear closet!). But it also applies to workouts and training—sure, I’m not going to LOVE every workout, but I do only want to focus on the things that I really love. (This also may be a good time to re-read our post on if your goals match what you enjoy doing.)

ANYWAY, I recently wrote an article for MapMyRun all about the ways minimalism can making running better for you.

Intrigued by minimalism and training? Check out these articles as well:

Click to read Running Minimalism: How to Apply the Philosophy to Your Training


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