Jonathan Beverly delivers in today’s episode. Most sports will benefit from running directly in competition or as part of training. Jonathan has written a book called ‘Your Best Running Stride‘ that pulls together the latest research, practical information from coaches, athletes and therapists and years of his own experience as the editor of Running Times. This is a packed episode with information about running drills, warm-ups, cues and mobility/strength exercises to boost your running ability.
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1) what does a normal day look like for John Beverly?
– consider going into how he got to editor status?
– consider discussing
2) What is your sporting career? what have you done in running and beyond?
– ‘accidental athlete’
– found could improve in running
– sports exposure in youth -> feeling athletic with core and corrections. How to help youth develop movement skill
3a) how to start interest in stride
– minimalism, born to run went too far
– but don’t swing too far the other way
– April 2014 its all in the hips – successful article in running times-> hips flexed, affect glutes
-> result overstride
4) target cadence or foot strike – a result not the issue
– the article ‘born to run’
– forefoot focus = prancing if done before
– cadence = over quick stride, pulling too quick ( hamstring)
heel/midfoot/forefoot: what’s the deal?
– upper body focus –
– distorted mechanics
4) The body you have now will find way = what experts agree upon is not a specific running style but a few optimal running mechanics that often get compromised by our daily habits.
– change parameters see a change in stride
– the misconception of ‘born to run’ -> changed his stride over months
– is heel strike universally bad
5) shoe shopping
– top researchers say wear the least shoe YOU can get away with
– throw out pronation/ supination- what is too much?
– * biomechanics of sports shoes. ( book )
– find a comfortable shoe
– a shoe for use and different days
– Custom insoles??
– Vivo barefoot shoes we use
– is 180 for everyone?
6) Starting running – perhaps a non-athlete or especially a ‘fit’ cyclist in fall. How slow do we need to go?
-> Run: walks? Even strides (10sec fast without straining)
-> careful with slow jogging/ slogging— people run. Better faster
-> how much, how fast?
– surface – lless impact , some stability and variety of stride
Correct imbalance – walking and lunges —most ignored muscle in runners? (glutes/core?)
– walking form – exagerate glute and get. Hi ext
– lunge – open hips strengthen glutes
– rows, pulldowns and stretches – lie on foam roller or arm swing
* run with posture bar
5) What is a good warmup for a recreational runner?
Lunge matrix jay johnson – multidirectional lunge (By Gray Institute) x50
Legswings x 5
6) core glutes and running / why not quads and hamstring
If hips tight then glute length not ideal / less powerful
Core / balance -> transverse abdominas
7) cues -> glute bridge and feel hamsring
-> side bridge with leg lift – done with legs stacked and lift small range
-> run tall –
-> treadmill at front or pushng stroller
7) lifestyle tweaks to improve running – what is the lowest hanging fruit ?? (lifestyle constraints)
– barefeet more? no shoes inside? (Myth of perfect shoes)
( a lot of discussion RE daily habits that hurt us: how do we change the worst of those?)
—perils of sitting!?
10) be a consummate athlete – be athletic