Quickie Review: Origins GinZing SPF 40 Energy-Boosting Tinted Moisturizer (& Peeper Pleaser Eyeshadow)

by | Jul 17, 2018 | Gear, Lifestyle

Confession: I don’t have the most even skin tone. I get really red fairly easily, and on the note of turning red, I’m also pretty sunburn-prone, so even in the winter, I try to only use a foundation or moisturizer that has SPF. So when I was at the NICA conference last month and saw another woman with freaking perfect skin (and amazing eyeshadow), I stalked her until I managed to finally find a chance to ask “WTF are you using?!”

The answer? Origins GinZing SPF 40 Energy-Boosting Tinted Moisturizer and Origins Peeper Pleaser eyeshadow in copper. I was stoked for two reasons: 1) I’ve been getting more and more into natural skincare and makeup when possible lately, so Origins fits right into that category. And 2) the secret to her flawless looking skin wasn’t a heavy foundation, it was a tinted skintone-matching moisturizer that contained SPF 40. BOOM!! That’s basically my dream product.

I pretty much beelined to Amazon to order both products and after a month, I have never been happier with a tinted moisturizer, and I love the eyeshadow. So let’s chat for a sec about both… And as always, the disclaimer: You don’t have to wear makeup ever—not during the day, not at night, not while training, whatever. But if you do (raises hand), that’s cool too.

Origins GinZing SPF 40 Energy-Boosting Tinted Moisturizer

First impression: the skintone matching ability of this tinted moisturizer was SO good. I didn’t expect it to work nearly as well as it did, but it colormatched almost perfectly—better than most foundations I’ve tried! The moisturizer component involves coffee beans and Panax Ginseng, which claims to also boost energy levels. Can’t say I noticed that, but it did a great job lightly moisturizing my oily skin. SPF 40 courtesy of titanium dioxide = sun protection that I desperately needed. It feels light and I forgot I was wearing it, which I can’t say about most moisturizers or foundations. It evened out my reddish skin without looking like I was wearing a ton of foundation, made me nice and glowy, and lasted through even an 18-mile run. It’s not super cheap (around $40 depending where you get it) but it ticked all my ‘must-have’ boxes, and compared to paying for sunscreen + foundation + moisturizer.

One caveat: Put this on when your skin is fully dry. I made the mistake of putting it on when I was a little damp post-shower and it didn’t go on as smoothly.

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In case you wondered… This is how it looks about an hour into a ride.

Note that you can still see that my skin isn’t all one perfect shade, just evens it out nicely.

(Oh hey—if you’re into makeup that can stand a full workout, have you checked out the review of the Clinique Fit line that I did last year?)

Peeper Pleaser Eyeshadow in Copper

OK, this is my new favorite eyeshadow. The copper Peeper Pleaser goes on super smooth, it’s just shiny enough, it has just enough light color that I can wear it pretty much all day every day, and it doesn’t crease. So stoked on it. I don’t have much else to say about it, I just wanted to drop it in here because it’s officially the best eyeshadow I’ve found in a really long time, as someone who generally doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and feels kind of strange when she looks like she has a lot of it on. (Back in high school, I did wear A LOT of black eyeliner and eyeshadow. Different times.)

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