Q & A – Travel, Sven Nys, Gaining Weight, strength and Off-Season

by | Oct 18, 2016 | Podcast

Keywords: Travel, Sven Nys, Gaining Weight, strength and Off-Season

Today’s episode is a Reader/Listener Question and Answer (Q & A ) Episode.

We talk about our challenges over the last month of training, the core-routine we are each doing (and Peter is using with his clients) . We discuss a Sven Nys quote on embracing your sport and how this can help the Consummate Athlete. One of our readers has been sick and inquires about gaining weight, which let us discuss some tactics for losing/gaining that have worked for us, in research and/or for clients.


crazy travel week, what we learned at crossvegas, Iowa world cups 
eat: 1 veg per meal, tons of water (see molly’s article on surviving trade shows )
Sven nys quote from Bicycling (teaser about short podcast coming up)
You have to live 365 days a year for your sport. That helps a lot. Not just for a small period. You need to have the passion from day one until the last day.
peter newsletter
Know what? Gaining weight. From coming back from illness (severe weight loss) to generally losing too much weight training.
  • give it time, body will return to ‘normal’ (ease into training)
  • protein / calories in general need to come up but consider IN vs. OUT
  • backing off training ie walking not running
  • Liquid calories (dairy, peanut butter , white rice as easy to eat lots)
  • watch starting with low cal / high nutrient density foods (ie. salad opener limits overall calories for some)
  • Molly references milk (whole milk) beneficial for DOMS from study HERE
Vince M C. asks: I would love some down-to-earth advice on getting into interval training. I’ve always just tried to maintain a pace while running, but I’m aware that interval training will yield better results. But how does one establish intervals as a beginner?
  • fartlek is the easiest way to start
  • run/walk (not just for beginners)
  • break normal route into chunks
  • track – run straits, walk corners
  • find a track workout or hill workout nearby
  • find hills
Brandon asks: strength training in the off season why, how, when. 
  • should year round
  • offseason good to start
  • infographics on performance benefits of strength
  • don’t stop
  • consider limiters and work on in a ‘prep phase’ versus being slothful for months

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