Pan Am Cx, Indoor Trainer, Nutrition at College, Fueling early runs

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Podcast

Today’s episode discusses:
– Cyclocross Pan-American championships in Milton Ontario
– The recent press around The Mary Cain Op-Ed regarding the troubling focus on body composition in elite sport.
– Riding and training indoors – boredom and technology
– College Nutrition Challenges
– Fueling for early workouts and races
– Training and nutrition for Menopause

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1) Mary Cain op-ed  in the New York Times. The discussion around racing weight

2) Smart Trainers vs. Old Trainers vs. Rollers and what to do inside

I wonder if you guys could discuss the pros and cons of smart trainers, regular wind trainers, and rollers for indoor cycling. For the past 4 years, I have used a plain old Kinetic stationary trainer– this experience is slightly improved by the fact that I can download workouts from Training Peaks created by my coach to my Garmin. I have been encouraged to join Zwift, but I am resisting for some reason. I enjoy pedaling along, following a workout, and simply listening to music or podcasts…but maybe I am missing out on all these technological advances that have been made of late? I’m curious to know what you guys think.

Best tip for passing time on the trainer?

Ideal time to train during the day? (Personal preference)

Transitioning from solo racing to racing with a team where there’s a team training plan?

Keeping nutrition on track as a new-to-college athlete?

Fueling early AM workouts—food seems harder to digest early AM

Training and nutrition—should it change for menopause + beyond?


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