Optimize your Training and Health with HRV – Marco Altini

by | Sep 19, 2017 | Podcast

Marco Altini PhD, joins us today to talk all things HRV. Marco is our second return guest because all the consummate athletes out there LOVED the first one on HRV. A lot has changed. Marco has been busy as the Lead Data Scientist for @bloom_life (a wearable sensor to help during pregnancy) and the Creator of the HRV app called Aside from work, Marco is a Traveler and Passionate Runner, detailing his training with HRV and polarized training techniques on his Instagram and Strava. 
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0) What is Marco Up to? 
2) Marco’s run training
3) What is new with the HRV4Training app? 
– Training Peaks Interaction
– new acute changes analysis that lets you investigate most acute stressors tracked in the app, not only training, but also alcohol intake, menstruation, traveling, etc.
4) Studies published with HRV (and the app)? 
  -> ecg-hrv-h7 -> do you need to use a heart rate strap to measure HRV ??
5) What can we say HRV can do? Can’t do
– measures physiological stress
– normal cond. bpdy positions

– George asks: Saw that you had Marco (HRV4) on your podcast. Wondering…. What is the relationship between fatigue and HRV?

– “use hrv to guide plan, not to make a plan”
– what is normal?
6) Things to do once you have data in the app … What are ‘bad’ things to watch for… how to use the data ?? 
  *Coach app desirable range fits here but also what can a normal user do?
7) Discussion of the 3 studies and what it helps to show/prove / move-forward? 
   -> I am curious why the high acute: chronic alone didn’t suggest a risk for injury? I suppose this is due to adapting better (i.e. HRV not disrupted)
8) Vo2 estimation -> how to setup and get it working? 



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