Off-season, smart trainers, start to run – Nov 2017 Q&A

by | Nov 21, 2017 | Podcast, Training

Today is Nov 2017 Q & A and we have got a lot of questions this month, thanks for your questions.
Topics covered include off-season, smart-trainers, learning to run, the pros/cons of doing a little strength through the day versus a targeted session.
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0) does breaking up a workout like say 100 crunches over an entire day have fewer benefits 1/2 than say doing them in a single setting?
    => Pavel of Russian Kettlebell training is at
1) Are there any online subscription services for functional strength training? I’m thinking something that works like JasYoga or YogaGlo. From a laptop $10-20/month. Good offseason topic (also selfish request for research) since I haven’t found one for endurance athletes.
2) Smart Trainer and riding a bike indoors
can’t believe how unfit I am after using a smart trainer compared to outside. what’s wrong with me?
     – Mentioned ZWIFT, KICKR TRAINER   , Cyclops FLUID Trainer
3) Transition to Running Safely
Hey Molly, I think Peter and you have covered the transition from cyclist to the runner. I’m planning on doing more running this offseason. I’m a competitive mountain and cyclocross racer and I’m wondering the best practices to take. I was a National level Track runner many years ago and would like to run again. Ideally with minimal pain and suffering. Thanks and keep up the great podcasting!
4) What to do in the off-season?
  -> offseason things you can do above and beyond maintenance?

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