Nutrition Questions with Registered Dietitian Kylee Van Horn

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Nutrition, Podcast

Registered Dietician Kylee Van Horn joins us to discuss common questions about nutrition in general and specific questions from listeners. Kylee is an ultra-runner and owner of Fly Nutrition
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Kylee Van Horn, an ultra-running registered dietician and owner of Fly Nutrition
  • Your athletic bio + how you came to become an RD
  • What is new and fun in nutrition for sport?
  • Dealing with clients heading into the new year–the best and worst time for anyone in the athletic world when it comes to goal-setting and resolutions!
  • Simple/successful resolutions that people can actually set?
  • On that note, goal-setting around nutrition that doesn’t involve cutting calories—any thoughts on how someone can make more long term goals?
  • Biggest mistakes you see athletes making?
  • Feelings on supplements, how do you figure out what’s worth it?
  • Everyone wants to lose 5 pounds, and for some people, that’s reasonable: where should they start?
  • In light of RED-S, what do you wish athletes paid more attention to?
  • Fueling workouts—we get this one all the time, and answer it often, but would love to get your best pointers!
  • Athletes with gut issues seem to be more and more common–what can an athlete with chronic stomach pain/digestive issues do to start fixing himself?
  • elimination diet for athletes—what we need to know
  • Best tips for easy wins, i.e meal prepping, post-run snacks, etc.

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