No Pain, No Gain – Why Some Days Should be Low-Intensity

by | May 8, 2020 | Podcast

Are you traing too hard?

One of the most common issues athletes run into is training moderately every day. If you find yourself sick, injured or low on motivation there is a good chance you would benefit from more low-intensity training; or less pain, more gain! Today’s podcast discusses common ways to assess your pace/zones/intensity and how you can thrive while enjoying your movement.

Today we discuss the concept of going easy to get fast; the myth of “no pain, no gain” 

– What is too easy or too hard?

– Middle ground or junk miles 

– heart rate – Decoupling/Cardiac Drift – a recent podcast with Seiler where we discussed defining where low intensity ends

– Stephen Seiler/Polarized – See Seiler’s Ted Talk on ‘No Pain, No Gain’

– Frank Overton/Sweet Spot – Episode with Frank + the episode mentioned where he breaks down the ‘polarization’ of his sweet spot plans (around 42min)

– How to use zones and the importance of picking a system and sticking with it for a while. 

– Goal of most sessions = to come back soon = Consistency!

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