New Free 7-Day Habit Kickstart Guide is Out Now! Get Signed Up + Start 2020 Right

by | Jan 1, 2020 | Mindset, Nutrition, Training

We’re super stoked about the newly revamped 7-Day Habit Kickstart Guide that can help you start 2020 (or anytime!) off on the right foot. This seven-day email series guides you through seven key habits that will put you on track for a healthier, athlete-friendly lifestyle… And each day’s email only takes a minute to read, and under 10 minutes to complete. Most days, it’s a fast 5-minute task.

Pssst… On the note of habits, have you checked out the Habits of Highly Effective Athletes article series on here yet?

And rather than seven habits that you have to add to your life on the daily, we’ve mixed and matched: Some of these are one-time to-do items that will set you up for easier healthy habits that you don’t even need to think about (like a better bedroom for sleeping, or a more thought-out gear setup) while others are daily habits. No matter where you are in your athlete journey, there will be something in here for you. And, like I said in the title, it’s free. So what do you have to lose? Just some bad habits.

Click here to subscribe to the HABITS QUICK START GUIDE 

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