May 2017 Q&A – Muscle Soreness, Sweet Potato, Macro-Nutrients

by | May 2, 2017 | Podcast

This week is our Q &A. Thanks for your questions. Feel free to submit more questions for next month

DOMS while Cycling

Macro-Nutrients for Athletes

How to Cook Sweet Potatoes

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DOMS from intense Cycling 
You mentioned DOMS in regards to running, but I’d like to know more in regards to cycling. I’m a masters cyclist and I seem to get a horrible case of DOMS a few times a year. I never bonk or cramp during events, but after races (not training) I sometimes get DOMS a few days after a very hard race. My glutes, hamstrings, quads, ITB, hip flexors all get inflamed and then my lower back starts to seize and I can’t walk, bend over etc.Any thoughts on preventing this? Is this a post race hydration issue? Massage, cool down, recovery ride? Supplements, electrolytes?

A few added thoughts from this information,
a) making sure you are conditioned for the intensity and demands of the race is first response when I deal with cramping, back pain or excess soreness.

b)  making sure to cool down and maybe even a recovery day spin may help as well but also making sure not to overdo it the day or two after, don’t rush back! You might just need a recovery spin the day after and then an off day 2 days out. It is often tempting to go back to the regular, textbook schedule but the body may not go on that rhythm.

c) if you are taking any anti-inflammatories during or after the race that would also be something to avoid to make sure you are not masking symptoms, and again be getting feedback on how your preparation was for that event.

1) A lot of times a good warmup/cooldown will help … make sure not going hard immediately and not giving some time to get body cooled down at the finish.

2)  more calories in ride and/or around rides -> don’t skimp on in-ride fuel (this robs your work capacity too) and also don’t skimp after the ride.   Other meals can certainly be more protein/veggies if trying to reduce calories/increase nutrient density.

3) and upping protein intake (think extra egg at breakfast, extra meat serving dinner, maybe some whey protein after ride)

Any or all of those 3 are common causes of cycling soreness in the absence of very hard mountain biking (eccentric loading/pounding) or crashing.

QUESTION: Sarah asks about Macro-Nutrients and how much good nutrition will improve performance?

=> Many options depending on genetics, goals, body type, age and gender.

=> Performance improved by optimal body composition, sleep, mood and energy which are all a result of good nutrition.



ANSWER: Sweet Potato Recipes/methods

1st fastest sweet potato method -> Microwave (this is a game changer for a lot of people)
-> Many microwaves have a ‘potato’ button … press it twice and put 1 potato in and it almost always will be pretty close. Add a minute or two as required at end.

->  Poke a hole in it and put it in a microwave for 4-8 minutes (if under a beer bottle size it is closer to 4 and as it gets bigger then beer bottle closer to 8min)
-> Top it with cinnamon, salt hot sauce and/or mustard for easy/low cal flavor  (to taste)
=> adding eggs, meat, veggies etc. to taste
=> actually really tasty with a bit of nut butter as well

2nd fastest sweet potato method  ~20min with ~4 min of work (I often leave this going on low while I do some morning core/calisthenics/stretching)
-> cut up into ‘chips’ and fry, on low, covered with coconut oil
-> add eggs and spinach to the same pan

3rd fastest sweet potato method
-> bake 4+ while making another meal and keep them in a Tupper-ware!
-> don’t over cook them (ie. to the point there are juices running) as this usually is not as good the second day when you reheat or eat cold.

4th option – slow cooker
-> throw a hunk of meat and BIG chunks of sweet potato and onion, maybe some celery in a slow cooker and let it go on low
* sweet potato will get pretty soft so if you can add them in last 2-4hrs likely better but not mandatory

5th option – BBQ  (can do these in frying pan as well)
-> cut into lengthwise pieces … this is somewhat dangerous to do with a knife … cut a flat edge initially then leave that face down to provide more stability
-> cut thin slices and place the long ‘slabs’ on the bbq
-> for some reason these are more delicious and easier to handle on a grill then ‘chip’ cut.


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