Hey everyone! We are SO excited that our new book, “Becoming A Consummate Athlete,” is out today! This book represents decades of research and real life experience that we’ve had training and racing, but more importantly, a lot of what Peter has seen in almost 20 years of coaching. It’s not a training manual that’s half training plans, it’s a book that focuses on how to build a healthy life around your training to best serve your athletic self and how to look at training critically, how to think through the program that you’re doing and assess progress. If you’ve enjoyed our podcast or articles over the years, or wanted to improve as an athlete but don’t have all the time or money in the world, this is the book for you. We’d be thrilled if you checked it out—and we’d love to hear from you how you like it! (And if you do like it, spread the word!)
About the book: Tired of training and not getting wins? Feeling a lack of motivation, or that there just isn’t enough time to do it all? Missing when sport felt fun?If you’ve been training for an endurance sport like cycling or running but find yourself feeling stuck or not getting the results that you want, your daily habits might be to blame. Being an all-around athletic, healthy human capable of tackling any outdoor adventure—a Consummate Athlete, if you will—takes smart training and thoughtful lifestyle choices. In this book, you’ll learn new ways to look at your recovery, fueling, training, record keeping and even your gear in order to help you reach your athletic goals while actually enjoying your healthy lifestyle. Longtime endurance sport coach and kinesiologist Peter Glassford and his equally athletic wife, author and fellow coach Molly Hurford are going to change the way you view your training. Remember: You are an athlete, and you owe it to yourself to start living like one!
Get it in our store: Becoming A Consummate Athlete Book
And right here: