How To Wake Up And Not Feel Like Going Right Back To Bed

by | Jul 10, 2017 | Mindset, Training

Monday morning seemed like an appropriate time to link to this article I recently wrote over at Nylon, packed with the morning routines and rituals of fitness and wellness ‘gurus.’ I am morning-routine obsessed, and I love hearing about what other people do every morning. I got to ask people like yogi Tara Stiles, who actually inspired a big chunk of my own morning routine, so it was cool seeing how ours stacked up. (She’s a new mommy, so it’s a little different for her now!)

I have a massive newsfeed, and I don’t always know when my articles are going to be posted—so I admit, when this one went up, I actually clicked on it for advice before realizing I knew all the advice in it… because I had written it! (I figure this is a good thing, though.)

Anyway, this was a blast to research and write, and if you need a bit of a push to create a morning routine that works for you, check it out!

How To Wake Up And Not Feel Like Going Right Back To Bed

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