How to Triathlon – Rich Pady

by | May 23, 2017 | Podcast

Triathlon, Ironman, Swim, Bike, Run, Training, Coaching

We are joined by Triathlon coach Rich Pady today. Rich is based in Orangeville, Ontario and has helped many Triathletes reach their goals in all distances of Triathlon. An exceptional Triathlete during his own career Rich shares his experience and those of his coaching clients in this episode.

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Head Coach Healthy Results Training since 1998 and Assistant Coach for Orangeville Otters Swim Team. I’ve worked athletes of all levels.




1) Bio – what has your journey been in Triathlon as an athlete ? 

=> 14years old as dare, half marathon run (was a good all around athlete before, liked distance)
 -> saw a brochure for tri at event – challenge from sister – enjoyed, but wakl ran the
 -> joined local swim team, by 18 years tried to qualify
 -> 1989 2nd at nats, made nat team -> New Zealand
 -> pro at 20 years old ITU ,
  -> 2000 ironman, 2002 lake placid qualify for kona (heat and wind)
 -> 1998 started coach business
  -> 2004-2007 took break for daughter
 -> 2007 back in with Charity (POGO for kids Leukemia)
 -> 2009 for age group Kona (Lisa Bently coached )
 -> Google accident at Welland -> VIDEO , collision with car
 -> 2011 tried to come back, 2012 ontario series (Won)
 -> Kona for 40 bday 2014 , and retired and went to MTB / Xterra


   – how did you get to coaching and what have you and your athletes accomplished over the year? 
– Kona- then got mtb and got skill sessions w. peter
-> swim expert, now coaching purist swimmers, kids
-> originally as a run coach
-> came to swim late (14 years old)
‘how to triathlon’ 


2) Swim – for most age groupers/adult onset swimmers what is your process for taking them to first distance triathlon? 
– older swimmers – what getting ready for? ironman, it’s not a big deal but lots of fatigue from 3.8km => EFFICIENCY
           => Example – run before bike will fatigue, swim will fatigue you
        => need mileage, need technique
-> water – 95% of effort is overcoming resistance – little change in position is big difference (like golf more than run/bike in many ways … lots of drills, practice off of the ‘course’) … not


– drills to do for sure?
fins => allow for body position, not speed. kick properly (esp. guys)
  -> if can’t focus on drill then fins help
   *pull buoy don’t use much if tri (not work on kick/streamline)
kicking -> 2 beat, … most never do 4 or 6 (ITU use 4 often)
  -> 1 beat need excellent form
stroke rate -> new often have slower, just like newer cyclist ~50-60rpm, need to bump up
   – shorter levers (arms/legs) can go faster
  – faster for open water, pool slower stroke rate … steady effort.
  – want 60-70 generally
– goals for pace, distance, sessions per week? 
    – 3 workouts
 – skill day – drills and skills, 25m at a time w. 25m full swim
 – high intensity day
  – endurance swim – length of swim w. some change in pace , 38 x  100m (1 med, 1 easy, 1 hard)
                     – or 75m steady, 25 fast for distance


> Sighting 1 per length -> eyes/chin to water level , pattern stroke to look (where.when)
                         ***spot terrain / higher land not buoys so can look up,
full distance swim good/needed in prep -> yes
   -> get in open water as well
3) Bike – 


– Is there a workout you use often? 
Jasper Blake – final build 7hr on Wednesday (aerobic) time in saddle
              – 2 days later 180km race pace
       – need to do it with tired legs


16 weeks out – need to be perfect so need to be ready to work for them 
  – build and get ready for last 10 weeks
  – work on weakeness
– how important is the volume of workouts? 
    – most people avg power of sunday rides (if done steady)


– How do you advise pacing ? are there commonalities
   -70% FTP common among age-group
   – normalized power helpful
  – don’t chase wattage , long downhills / uphills -> Heart reat helpful here
  – wattage and heart rate in heat change –


IRONMAN IS A DAY OF PATIENCE – Don’t need to do anything special


After a tri bike what are main aero accessories you advise? Best bang? (Helmet?wheels? speed suit?) 
-> specialized ‘Win Tunnel Videos’ ->
-> disc is fast until mega cross wind,
-> don’t forget hub rolling resistance
-> Helmet huge as long as in position


4) Run
if can run your Sunday long run chat pace -> reality is most run 5sec slower than long pace in race


– What is your philosophy for run training, it seems that Tri coaches fall on one side or the other as far as volume, intensity, risk:reward? 
  – heart rate-> heat effects


– drills or speed-work


– pacing? what to be ready for? 
   -> strength over speed -> sustainability – do hill intervals,
-> downhill running?


5) Accessory – strength? Core? Plyo


  – where do people fit this stuff in!?!?!
=> basic core / full body
=> base to more functional
=> speed velocity plyo bands-> power
=> older athletes especially -> failure due to camp, strain, injury, knee -> stability, athletisism, strength etc.


Transition zone practice? Tips? goal time? 
=> keep moving, don’t sit
 => in and out, efficiently -> make sure comfy
=> shoes on bike will help with chaos
=> ok to change to kit


Peter’s Question 3 months out: 
-> Goggles – fogging? Recommendations? -> try smaller goglle,
  -> 2 weeks before get goggles , don’t touch inside
  -> vorgie goggles (lense better, anti fog better)
 – get what pay for


-> lake placid and Collingwood clinics, swim clinics in Orangeville, famous in Vegas camp

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