How to Hit Golf Balls Better & Coaching Philosophy – Shana Kelly

by | Oct 25, 2016 | Podcast

KeyWords: Golf, Golf Swing, Coaching, Philosophy, drills, Practice, Skill acquisition

Today we take another look at Golf. With the mental and very precise nature of golf we felt that talking to another Golf-Pro was worth while. We were very happy with the additional concepts Shana brought to the show today.

We talked about drills to help with hitting the ball, mindset in golf, picking a good starting course, setting your practice duration and several other topics that will be usable in many (if not all) sports/skills.


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I plan to keep us under 30 minutes but can go longer if we get on a roll and you have time.
2) Questions
Tell us about your job as a Class A Professional / Master Coach Developer. Where do you work and who do you work with?
  *any resources we can link to for booking you, books?, articles? , products?
Gavin -> Kawartha golf club in Peterborough ,
Kawartha PGA of Canada class a Professional vs. Head Professional is in the golfessioal get class A then specialize as General Manager, food-bev/accounting,  and coaching and teaching and pro-shop and then playing.
Players have to pass a playability test .
WHen Certified you have different levels – every Class A will teach Beginner/Intermediat and then Advanced/competitor a / competitor b levels
What common mistakes do you see in beginner golfers? How is this different then someone golfing for 10+ sessions (intermediate)  vs. 100+ Sessions (advanced) ? 
   -> are there thresholds or markers for when you have progressed through these rough stages ? Would you define the stages differently  ?
Beginner -> never touched before or just recreational here and there. 
Intermediate -> Played more frequently
TERM -> Handicapping
A handicap is calculated through to keep track of scores. Top 10 of most recent 20 plays. (any
  * or play 5 and have 1
Shana is a 10   -> She shoots 75 so is a 65
Peter is a 40  -> shoots
Shana gives Peter 30 so 1 shot per hole except the 12 hardest will get 2 shots ‘bonus’
On scorecard will see on ranked courses the holes by difficulty
What do you do that is different than most other people? Do you believe something different or teach a skill in a different way than is commonly done? 
   *as an example in cycling coaching I don’t let clients push their bikes with both hands on handle-bar or hop both wheels at same time using their shoe-cleats
– Golf Coaching – What makes a good golf coach? 
                     -> tell me about the golf coaching certification process.
Relate really well to her golfers. A coach should have to have struggled vs. being amazing golfer.
PGA Analyzed performance Model -> Gap between what they are doing vs. what they want to do .
   – rather than going right to technique, where are they screwing up
  – this model looks at mental/cognitive/tactics/physical-motor … shoulder issue ?
Example: most newer golfers need to ‘lift ball’ –> if this is belief then technique changes not help . 
– In our previous golf episode we talked about the technique to hit the ball and basic things like how to dress and properly carry a golf bag.
– Is there an early/easy ‘win’ a beginner could get on day 1 at the course/range ? 
=> Get good information early from coaching ideally
=> many people will give advice on course (Social sport) BUT lots of advice is mislead … “if not a plumber it is better to call a plumber” “I have sink, you have a sink but i don’t know to
=> First lesson- at practice facility, don’t go onto course till can get ball to move (hit ball), start at golf course that is appropriate size . Look for beginner friendly course.
-> Beginner friendly course ->
=> Dismantle Golf Bag to learn clubs, what is there and why have different. Irons vs. Drivers , Irons adjust by about 1 inch increments
=> Understand what going to do when get out-there. 
=> Drills to work on getting ball into air, understand how to swing club (not how to lift ball)
How know course is good beginner? => Playing 9 holes is good. 
  *championship course is 9000 yards.
  -> look for words like Executive courses (shorter) 
  -> time of day -> ask about low/not busy times .
When should go on Course? 
 -> when can contact the ball and get some height/distance.
  -> Do not need to know all clubs, do not need
  -> Could play first 9 holes with 9 iron and putter. ( most people can hit about 50 yards with 9 … so 3-5 to get to green)
Is there a skill/area someone can practice at home to make those first few sessions more productive? 
 -> drill – piece of broken tee , take setup and try to swing at broken tee … can not lift out of ground but nick the tee => sweep it out of ground
Any social media or website links 
– Website ->  also on facebook

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