How to Feel Pretty Remarkable – Dr. Kevin Jardine

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Podcast

Dr. Kevin Jardine joins us today to talk about health, fitness and being your best. Kevin brings years of experience at the top level of sports like cycling and tennis as well as years of experience treating people at his clinic in Toronto, Ontario ( . He has developed several businesses including Spidertech athletic tape, the Crossbell, Crossfuel and His latest project is where you can connect with Kevin in person or via several products targeting back pain, knee pain and more.
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About Kevin Jardine – 

See Kevin in person at The Urban Athlete in Toronto, Ontario

Address505 Eglinton Ave W #302, Toronto, ON M5N 1B1, Canada


Who is Dr. Kevin Jardine
Journey to his current career?
Why not focus on one thing, i.e chiro? (consummate athlete professional)
Focused on the whole, not just on singular injuries
High level versus amateur athletes: major differences?
Craziest pro story?
Most common injuries you see now?
mistakes athletes are making
Best advice for avoiding injury?
Things athletes can do for themselves?
Do you see more people trying to seek excessive treatment for things that probably a) aren’t problematic or b) could be fixed with lifestyle changes, not weekly appointments?

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