How to Eat for Endurance – Matt Fitzgerald

by | Feb 7, 2017 | Podcast

Endurance Diet, Nutrition, Whole Foods, Chocolate Milk, Carbs, Cooking
Matt Fitzgerald, author, coach and sports-nutritionist joins us to talk about ‘The Endurance Diet’, his new book and an over-arching concept that you likely have adopted if you are having success in endurance sport. If you are not reaching your potential, struggling with illness or poor recovery then today’s podcast is going to be huge for you.
If you have it all figured out you will want to listen to Matt’s mix of science and practical experience to ensure you are doing everything you need to do to succeed and to boost your confidence that the latest fad-diet is not worth sacrificing what is working for you.

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Matt Fitzgerald is sports nutritionist, author, nutrition consultant, and coach for hundreds of athletes. His latest research involves a deep dive into how elite endurance racers eat, and how recreational athletes can benefit from their wisdom. Fitzgerald realized that nearly all of them share five key habits, which he outlines in his most recent book, The Endurance Diet (available on Amazon.)

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Show Notes

1) The Endurance Diet (new book)

  • How to get athletes to adopt seemingly ‘simple’ or ‘moderate’ approach to nutrition when we tend to love trends/fads?

2) Eat for you (individually)

  • How learn what works ?? allergy, (low hanging ‘fruit’ ) – recovery and performance
  •   test hunch w. elimination diet
  •  way over-emphasized in current media / trends
  •  80%+ of benefit from the ‘basics’
  • eat good quality – how define quality? especially with starch based diets like in kenya?
  •      a ‘healthy diet’ determined by effects on health
  •   includes unprocessed forms of variety of sources

2) Eat carb centered

  •     vary with training load ? (how)
  •     = has beome a best practice to perform low carbohydate training or consume
  •      = for regular peson?
  •     – Matt ran a fasted marathon
  •     – ok to eat carbs are no nutrient dense

 3) eat enough 

  •    – listen to and obey your body
  •    – How do you start when you eat a pretty SAD diet? first steps?
  •    – racing weight => exercise , natural foods
  •    – ‘head hunger’ vs. ‘belly hunger’ = book provides a ‘reset’ program
  •    – tips for overweight non-elites – everyone has roomm to improve (we see our diet with rose colored glasses)
  •                         – matt has an app for diet quality = in any case quantify / qualify your diet (not counting calories)
  •                        – rather then subtracting, add good things ( try identify a better version = brown rice vs. white rice, black coffe)
  •     => writing your perfect day is exercise in book
  •  = > think about doing it for 1 day , not forever – come up with day of healthy eating you like

4) Eat everything

  • BOOK is how best eat, you should to
  •   people say they [endurance pros] are genetic freaks = that is not true we are very similar and doing what we want to do

  5) 5th habit -> you will have to buy the book to learn it ! 

6) New Years Resolutions NYR??

7) Racing weight (Matt’s previous book) on weight loss for sport

  • difference between the 2 books? (racing weight vs. endurance diet)
  • racing weight vs. endurance diet for lifestyle?
  •  year round ?
  •  how lose while training ?
  •  when is enough, enough ?

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