December Q & A

by | Dec 20, 2016 | Podcast

Q & A for December 2016

Thanks for you questions !
See questions and brief notes/links below


Social / links 

 Check out below for links to the articles / blogs / resources mentioned !
Give us a shout out @mollyhurford and @peterglassford

Questions  ( Submit your question  for next month) 

 Heart rate low in the fall/winter (Cold) 


Cold weather considerations : bikes, gear (i.e shoes, getting dressed)


Best gear-related present (headlamp, leggings)
-> Headlamps MEC  and Amazon 


Eating healthy and exercising around the holidays
 – decide if you are a ‘moderator’ Molly (actually have just a bit)  or a ‘abstainer’ like Peter (just don’t eat it / that type of food / cut it out)
   => *book on habits Gretchen Ruben Better than before
Training Logs and Diaries
– Why ?
– What should I log? (training, sleep, HR)
– can sign up for a training peaks account and start journaling here
*this will link to Peter’s account but can also get one by clicking at top of this page


Single Speed Training
Question = J asks: 
Do you have any advice for training for singlespeed mountain bike racing? Assuming a basic base-build-peak/race-recover cycle, are there any specific workouts or things to focus on? It can be difficult to decide how much to train on the SS vs a geared bike, which allows better ‘control’ of intervals. How does the answer change for XCO (O-cup) vs. Marathon (8/24 hr, 100km/mile)?
=> yes still periodize but need to ride your specific bike / conditions / terrain too
=> Need to become very good at standing, running, dismount/mount
=> need to expand cadence (RPM) range so can mash low rpm and spin high rpm at HIGH WATTS


Getting ready for a training camp: how to do?
-> don’t make it a survival camp
-> build the training camp into proper periodization (ie. do 15 hours before going to 20 hour training camp)
How is IM training going? 
-things you’ve learned about swimming? take a lesson !
-runs are getting longer, added a bit of intensity

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