Climbing Gym to Outdoor Rock Climbing – Leslie Timms

by | Jul 9, 2018 | Podcast

Rock Climber and Guide Leslie Timms joins us today to talk about Rock Respect, her new initiative to help you climb outside for the first time and to continue climb with respect for the environment, access, others, and safety.  We also get an update on Leslie’s climbing, adventures, business and cover a variety of other fun topics!

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Leslie Timms is back – check out the last episode

Leslie Timms was on the show  June 21, 2016  –> Episode 10 with LEslie Timms


What is rock respect?

  • How does the Gym to Rock fit in with the Code of respect?


Respect the Dangers
Respect the Environment
Respect Others
Respect Access
Educate yourself about outdoor rock climbing ethics, safety considerations and how to lessen your environmental impact at the cliff.

Climbers COde PDF – nation wide

Transition from Gym to Rock – Tips?

  • Check out ON THE ROCKS GUIDING for Rock Climbing in Collingwood Area

How was winter what did you get up to >??

Any upcoming events for ‘On the Rocks’ Guiding in Collingwood for 2018 ?

Olympics ?

new training or gadgets ?

(Talked about Leslie’s training and the YOAK and grip/forearm mobility and therapy and strengthing last time)
eva  lopez hang board Transgression fingerboard


the push by tommy
real rock tour
Sponsors @arcteryx @lasportivana @sterlingrope
@leslietimmerz @rockrespect IG
Facebook @ontherocksclimbing @rockrespect

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