A Guide to Hiking and Backpacking on La Cloche Silhouette Trail in Killarney on The Consummate Athlete Podcast

by | Jun 9, 2018 | Mindset, Training

You might have already read my post about our speed hike experience on the 80-kilometer super technical  La Cloche Silhouette Trail in Killarney Provincial Park, but this week on The Consummate Athlete Podcast, Peter and I got serious about our experience with backcountry camping and the hike itself. We don’t spend a ton of time on the specifics of the trail itself (my post breaks that down a bit more). We mainly talk about what it was like getting into camping for the first time, my fear of wolves, dealing with insane bug bites, and hiking for 22.5 hours together without wanting to push each other off of the massive boulders that we were scampering over. A test of physical endurance? Maybe. But I’d say a trip like this is away more about the test of a relationship… not unlike what I’ve written in the past about road tripping with a significant other, come to think of it! Anyway, for the his-and-hers version of events, give it a listen!

Click to listen: Hiking and Backpacking – La Cloche Silhouette Killarney

(PS: Want some hilarity in your day? I’ve been sending this hilarious article from McSweeney’s to pretty much everyone I know—“Monologue: I’m Your Outdoor Dream Girl and Not an Evil Wood Nymph Who Wants to Steal Your Soul” You’re welcome.)

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