8 Simple Ways to Train, Eat, and Exercise Like an Athlete

by | Aug 23, 2017 | Mindset, Training

It’s been a huge adventure writing for Outside magazine lately, and this article was super fun for me to put together. I pitched as “the rise of duh science in athletics,” and I was so happy with how it turned out. Basically, the premise was that brilliant researchers like Stephen Seiler—who we’ve had on the podcast—and coaches and writers like Steve Magness and Brad Stuhlberg (also on the podcast!) among others have been really championing these back-to-basics anti-hacks for athletic and life performance. And it’s kind of genius. The key to success? Sleep more, eat reasonably, train reasonably. Boom. But let’s dive in and get the best advice—and why it might sound simple but is weirdly hard to stick to.

8 Simple Ways to Train, Eat, and Exercise Like an Athlete

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