How to Prep for a 5-Month Hike — Episode 11 with Reese Wells

by | Jun 28, 2016 | Podcast

Learn about riding from Florida to Alaska on bike and preparations for a backpacking/rafting expedition in Patagonia, including getting dumped in a river during first rafting experiences.

– Core training and gear tips abound

Enjoy !

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Show Notes: 

-> Check out Reese on the Web @reese.wells

 -> – trip from Florida to Alaska by Bike  @keystofreeze

-> Greater Patagonia Trail  @greaterpatagonia

-> Yoga to fix running issue ( Sun Salutations  – images video)

-> Not about the Nail video for dealing with groups/relationships

-> Couch suring / Air-Bnb / WarmShowers for Bike Packing Cheap/free accom

-> WikiExplora -> Greater Patagonia Trail



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