I’m not sure where time went but I realized it’s been 2 months since I updated with, well, Where in the World I am. That might be because it’s been a bit of a blur—from Toronto to Cedar Rapids to NYC to Brussels, and that was just the highlight reel before it was on to The Netherlands, back to Canada, to the US, and now back in Europe. There was Asheville, North Carolina, where I had the best Mexican food ever (Zia Taqueria, trust me), then there was a small town called Ligniéres in France where I ate some of the best brie and butter I’ve ever had, and a short layover in Paris and Beauvais, before getting to here. Girona, Spain, for a few days before Hoogerheide.
And Girona? Well, it just made me want to write. I went on an exploratory run yesterday, and holy shit. The sights here are amazing. I kept having to stop to take it all in, and occasionally snap a photo or seven. But mostly, I was just stopping to twirl around or jump up and down, with a huge grin on my face. The sun is shining and I desperately want to get out and go run, so I’ll make this quick and photo heavy, and add in some amazing spots later in the week!
See? Literally jumping for joy!
Amazing views in every direction. Seriously. There were no bad photos to take!
I rest my case.
The apartment Jeremy Powers, Steven Hyde and I are staying in. It’s adorable, super thin and railroad style, and I love it.
Even walking up three floors is pretty rad (carrying groceries and our bags was a bitch though!)
Stay tuned for more!