Troubleshoot Power Meters

by | Apr 27, 2017 | Gear

One of the trade-offs with power is that we must deal with having electronics strapped to bicycles that undergo tremendous forces and extreme conditions (temperature, precipitation, altitude, dirt, sweat and a few other possible bodily fluids …) You wouldn’t expect your iPhone to survive so be ready to deal with some device troubleshooting and do your best to protect your power devices.

Trouble-Shooting for Power Meters

  1. DO NOT take it into bad weather – cold and rain especially, just leave it at home.
  2. If it gets wet dry it out ASAP, take any covers off and put in front of a fan for a few hours.
  3. Calibrate daily – yes daily.
  4. Change the battery
  5. Calibrate again
  6. Calibrate with another device (use a friend’s)
  7. Connect it to the internet and see if there is an update to the firmware.
  8. submit a ticket to the company to have it refurbished (usually not that pricey)

Power Tap Wheels

Power Tap Wheel Links / Support
Manuals for Power Tap Hubs =>
Send back to Powertap => 
  1. Call or email PowerTap Customer Service (1-800-246-5975 or
  2. Warranty Info

Stages Crank Based Power Meter

1) have you re-zeroed torque and got offset number?
2) updated firmware?
3) replace battery
4) Submit a ticket for repair/refurbish 

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