“The Pursuit of Endurance: Harnessing the Record-Breaking Power of Strength and Resilience” by Jennifer Pharr Davis is June’s Athletic Bookworm Read

by | Jun 7, 2019 | Mindset

I kept seeing interviews and snippets from “The Pursuit of Endurance: Harnessing the Record-Breaking Power of Strength and Resilience” by Jennifer Pharr Davis in magazines and on sites that I love all last month, so I grabbed the Kindle sample and dove in. I loved the first story, and decided it was just right for June’s Athletic Bookworm pick. The book combines personal anecdotes with some athlete + life in general advice from a woman who’s crushed it at the endurance game (she holds the Appalachian Trail record for women, to give you an example of what a badass she is). There are a lot of books that might sound like this one out there, but a) rarely are they written by women, b) rarely do they combine memoir with methodology, often it’s one or the other, and c) rarely are they genuinely enjoyable to read (there are a lot of people who might be great adventurers and athletes, but aren’t as skilled at storytelling). So, it’s really refreshing to read a book written by a woman that hits all the right notes, and leaves you both feeling inspired but also with a practical action plan.

About the book: National Geographic Adventurer of the Year Jennifer Pharr Davis unlocks the secret to maximizing perseverance–on and off the trail. Jennifer Pharr Davis, a record holder of the FKT (fastest known time) on the Appalachian Trail, reveals the secrets and habits behind endurance as she chronicles her incredible accomplishments in the world of endurance hiking, backpacking, and trail running. With a storyteller’s ear for fascinating detail and description, Davis takes readers along as she trains and sets her record, analyzing and trail-testing the theories and methodologies espoused by her star-studded roster of mentors. She distills complex rituals and histories into easy-to-understand tips and action items that will help you take perseverance to the next level. The Pursuit of Endurance empowers readers to unlock phenomenal endurance and leverage newfound grit to achieve personal bests in everything from sports and family to the boardroom.

PS: There’s a really good sale on the Kindle version right now—it’s only $4.99, so no excuses!

Get it here

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