For newly remote workers, we wanted to put together a healthy office gift guide of some of our favorite things that help us stay healthier throughout long workdays that don’t feel like they end since … well, the office is only a few feet from the kitchen. As people who’ve set up our home offices all over the world + are now in one spot, we’ve had some experience figuring out how to quickly get into a smart/healthy-ish routine!
Bluelight Blocking Glasses
I still love my blue-light blocking glasses. The glasses have gone a long way towards curing my eye strain from long days working on articles, book layouts, graphics, podcast and video edits, etc…. I also find, especially now that we’re stuck at home and not traveling, that having these glasses for working hours sort of helps me move between work time and leisure time, since they tend to blend these days. Think Clark Kent to Superman transformation!
Buy here: Bluelight blocking Glasses
Virtual Yoga Gift Card + Hit Reset Book
We had author and yogi Erin Taylor on the Consummate Athlete Podcast a while ago, and her book Hit Reset covers all things yoga for athletes. I loved the book so much that I had to buy an extra copy to lend out so that I always had one copy at home. It’s fantastic for someone who loves yoga, or for an athlete you know who really, really should stretch more. Now, last year I mentioned YogaGlo as a great online yoga streaming option, but this year, I think an even better option would be gifting a virtual subscription to a local yoga studio that’s doing online options (like past guest Sue Amato’s Valley Om!). It’s a great way to support small local business while getting your stretch on.
Buy here: Hit Reset Book
RELATED: Morning Routines That Set You Up for Success: Are You Doing Any of These?
Kindle Paperwhite
If you’re working all day on your laptop at home, your eyes probably need a rest from screens. Personally, I was reading a lot using my iPad so I could bounce between reading apps, but I’ve switched to the Paperwhite at night in order to avoid that blue light and shiny screen glare. It’s a much nicer way to chill in the evening and avoids breaking the ‘no screens in the bedroom’ rule. (The Paperwhite is under $60 if you get it with ads enabled, and honestly, I’ve never minded them.)
Becoming A Consummate Athlete by Molly Hurford and Peter Glassford
Of course, we’re biased. BUT… this book is all about the habits around your training that make you a more successful athlete, and we talk a lot about blending training and work together. It’s a great book for someone who’s newer to athletics and is trying to figure out how to fit training into a busy life, or even someone who isn’t exercising right now but could stand to have some healthier daily habits in general
Buy here: Becoming A Consummate Athlete
Mug Warmer or Small Kettle
When my best friend went remote back in March, this was the what I shipped to him. A mug warmer is a must if you’re the kind of person who makes a cup of tea or coffee, then starts in on work and forgets about said mug until it’s gone cold and gross (*raises hand*). Seriously, best present ever. (Especially when paired with one of our new Consummate Athlete mugs!!!)
I also love a small electric kettle for anyone with an office not directly next to the kitchen, for quick tea-making capabilities without wandering around the house and deciding it’s time for a snack/break/cleaning time.
Buy here: Mug Warmer | Small Bodum Kettle
White Noise Machine
If you (or the person you’re shopping for, obviously) have more than one person working in the house, I CANNOT stress enough how nice this white noise machine is. I can’t always concentrate when Peter is playing music, but this simple white noise generator off of Amazon (under $30!), is awesome. It’s soothing, distracting, and avoids the deathly silence and throat-clearing and keyboard clacking that otherwise start to make you a little nuts.
Sticky Credit Card Holder for Your Cell
This isn’t really an office thing, but now that we also have to remember masks in addition to keys, wallet and phone, I like nixing the wallet from that equation and simplifying. I swear by these sticky credit card holders: slap one on the back of your phone, and boom! Instantly never forget your wallet again. I still use a wallet, but I keep a credit card with my phone, since that’s the thing that’s always with me. Also great for hotel keys so you never lock yourself out of a room; or for tossing a $20 in there if you’re heading out on a run and want to carry cash but don’t have an easy pocket to stash it in. (The pack of 10 is $8, so I would give these as stocking stuffers to pretty much everyone that I know.)
Buy here: Sticky Credit Card Holder for Your Cell
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