Reading ‘Becoming A Consummate Athlete’ and Need a Quick Kickstart? Try Our Free 7-Day Habit Guide in Your Inbox!

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Mindset

When we started putting together the outline that would become our book “Becoming a Consummate Athlete” three years ago, we decided we wanted to help people get going on a healthy habit journey right away while we slowly built the book from scratch. That led to our FREE 7-Day Kickstart for Healthy Living, and I wanted to remind everyone about it as we head into a weird holiday season that has the very real chance of getting unhealthy in a hurry. Whether you’ve already read our new book or not, the series of emails hitting your inbox every morning will prompt you to take action on a few ‘big rock’ habits that can help kickstart those healthy changes you want to make. 

It’s a seven-day series of emails tackling the big-picture lifestyle changes that most of us are missing, like sleep, movement throughout the day, food and real motivation. We realized that a lot of the questions from clients we work with and emails we get from Consummate Athlete Podcast listeners aren’t about specific intervals or training techniques, they’re about lifestyle changes that need to be made before training can really be 100% effective. The non-sexy things like eating a few more veggies, or adding a walk to the day. Each email shares a new ‘cornerstone’ habit to get you going down the right path, plus a list of the smaller-scale daily habits that you can start implementing.

If you’re looking for a kick in the ass to commit to healthier living this year—not just sticking to a training plan, but really making a healthy environment for you and your family—this is a great spot to start. We’ve spent the last couple months putting this together based on years of our own research, experiences, and client experiences. And bonus, it’s totally free… So there’s no excuse to not start today! (And of course, check out our book as well for dozens more important athlete-friendly habits!)

Click here to sign up for the 7-Day Email Kickstart!

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