A Few Outdoor Wedding Photos and Planning Tips—Our 1-Year Anniversary!

by | Aug 21, 2017 | Lifestyle

A year ago yesterday, Peter and I got married in Ellicottville in upstate New York. Two of our best friends performed the ceremony, and since it was at this grouping of three ski chalet houses (not as fancy as it sounds), all of our friends who came could stay there—and get to sick mountain bike trails right out the door!

Since then, I haven’t really posted a ton about the wedding, and only a small handful of photos from our awesome photographer, Annie Minicuci-Tobias. It’s been a busy year, what can I say? But since we’re at a year—and have a million more adventures ahead of us—I got nostalgic and started scrolling through. So anyway, I wanted to share a few of my favorites—and maybe offer some advice since I know a TON of people who are planning outdoors / casual style weddings!

Know Your Style… And stick to your guns.

We knew we wanted to keep it outdoorsy and casual, and though it took a couple of battles about what we wanted versus what various parties expected, we ended up with something that was really, really us. Including having bikes involved, of course.

… But Don’t Discount Family Desires

We did a pretty good job of combining how we wanted everything with what parents wanted, I think. My parents and Peter’s were super helpful with setup, and my dad build the trellis we got married under while mom painted a rad little tandem bride-and-groom cutout for people to pose behind. It ended up being a total family affair, but that was what made it so great: all our immediate family was there the few days before to get it ready, and that was way more fun than showing up day-of to everything done for you.

RELATED: Planning an Outdoor Wedding

Get Silly

I knew this was a photo I wanted to try, and luckily Annie, our rad photographer, was able to capture it. Adorable! (And can I point out how trusting I am?)

Short Dress = Great Heels

I sort of knew I wasn’t going to end up with a long dress. (I tried on a ballgown as a joke and it was a really bad, bad joke.) And I also knew that when I did end up with this really simple shift dress, I was going to need really good shoes. Note: not expensive, just ones that would stand out in a crowd. (And they really did.)

Second Style Note: This. Fascinator.

I wasn’t planning on going for a veil, but the bridal shop talked me into trying this and I loved it. Again, because the dress itself was so simple, it was an easy call to go a little over the top on the accessories. (Also I feel like Audrey Hepburn would have gotten married in this. And shoutout to Matt P for helping Peter pick this ultra-snazzy J Crew summer-weight wool suit in navy. SO good, and SO timeless.)

RELATED: Minimal Wedding Makeup

Pocket Squares.

They’re just dope.

Gym-Friendly Ring

Peter hated the idea of wearing a wedding ring until he found this silicone one. Now, he wears it all the time—and doesn’t have to take it off for training.

You Can’t Cover Everything Up (and Shouldn’t)

My mom quickly came to terms with some tattoos showing, but I admit, I had a brief moment of debate where I thought about getting them airbrushed for the day. Then I remembered I got my tattoos for a reason, they’re part of who I am, and honestly, I kinda love the “business at the front, party at the back” nature of this dress.

You Can Ride in Heels

But it’s a little tricky. The heels were not SPD-compatible.

Enjoy It

I only plan to do this once, so it makes me so happy that almost every candid picture shows me cracking up.

Thanks for hanging out for this stroll down memory lane! Here’s to another year of adventure.

***Definitely check out Annie’s other photo work on her Facebook and Instagram pages!



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