I am a resolution person. Always have been. (That’s why I miss being in school, and having two official New Years to create list after list after list. Which, let’s be honest, I still do every September anyway.)
So, naturally, I have a ton of lists and goals and thoughts for 2017 that I’ve been working on since… OK, November. Like I said, I am a planner at heart.
But I was listening to the Balanced Bites Podcast on my run yesterday, and they had a great episode all about resolutions, and one part really jumped out at me: the idea of a single word or phrase that sort of encompassed the goals for the year (things like Positive, Calm… stuff that can be a sort of umbrella goal). So I started thinking about that, and I realized that looking over my list of goals, both the extensive “reach” ones and the everyday ones, there was one phrase that kept jumping to mind.
In 2017, most of my goals revolve around the usual: a race goal, a few work and personal project goals, but what I kept coming back to when thinking of a word was Collected. The art of being calmly prepared. The art of packing the right amount of stuff for whatever trip we’re on. The art of not showing signs of stress when in the middle of a 10-day block of trade show attendance and seven due dates coinciding. And, more practically/physically speaking, the art of being able to find *that pair of bib shorts* in my suitcase in the van without dumping it in the parking lot. Basically, being cool in the face of whatever is in front of me, even when internally, I want to start freaking out.
That’s the kind of thing that can help push through crazy deadlines, keep my heart rate from spiking on the start line of Ironman Canada, and help us make some of the longer-term choices that are going to be looming in coming months. Stay tuned, because it’s going to come up a lot on here in the next year.
So, there’s my word for the new year. What’s yours?