March Q & A – Threshold, Sickness, Intervals

by | Mar 8, 2017 | Lifestyle, Training

Threshold, Training when Sick, Intervals on Hills

March Q & A – thanks for questions !

Submit questions for April at

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what are we up to?
-Increasing training volume
what are we reading?

How do you start training, increase volume or increase intervals without burning out ? 

what is my threshold?

 = not everyone is a 60 min threshold and not everyone can hold 95% of their cp20 for 60 minutes. If you are struggling with zones of your cp20 or what you think is your threshold try using 10% of cp20 , or trying a longer TT 30-40min long for a better estimate.
 = Software is WKO+ that Peter referenced and uses with all his Smart Athlete Coaching Clients, it will help model your threshold much more accurately then generalized formulas based off TTs .

Question about Frequent Sickness with Kids – how to ease back into training ?
   – mentioned zinc lozenges, Vitamin C and Hand washing.
   – watch training load – be happy with consistency more then suffer-festivals
Nutrition changes where to start ? 

Intervals on hills . Remember flat power and also that the time in-between intervals is important consideration .

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