Guys. I kind of freaked out about this week’s guest, Christopher McDougall. That’s right, we had the author of Born to Run and Natural Born Heroes (June’s Athletic Bookworm pick!) on the show. It was a big deal for me as a writer and a runner, since as a writer, Chris’s writing has been inspiring me for years. And as a runner, I blame Born to Run for any distance running that I do, and for the fact that early in my running ‘career,’ I made the switch to barefoot and never really looked back. So, I was stoked. And freaked, because I was a little nervous that it would end up being a weird conversation or it wouldn’t be as great as I hoped.
I had zero reason to worry. Chris was freaking awesome, and we had such a rad time chatting with him about Born to Run and Natural Born Heroes, what people got right (and wrong!) about them, and what he’s up to now (donkeys). Even if you haven’t read anything by him (what are you waiting for?!), it’s worth a listen, because he is a fantastic storyteller and there are so many great takeaways!
Oh, 2 favors this week. 1) if you haven’t already, take 2 seconds and rate and review the podcast? It would mean a lot to us and it’s a huge help getting more rad guests like Chris on! and 2) Check out the network that makes this podcast possible — Wide Angle Podium — and consider becoming a monthly donor, NPR style. You get tons of bonus freebies and I spent a bunch of time recording and writing them, so I can safely say there’s some good stuff in there!
Shownotes: Born to Run, Donkeys & Community – Christopher Mcdougall
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