NEW 5-Minute Morning Yoga Flow Video

by | Aug 6, 2018 | Cross-Training, Training

For all of you who’ve followed our 7-day (free!) healthy habit guide, or those of you who’ve heard me talk ad nauseam about my morning yoga flow routine that I’ve done Every. Single. Morning. for almost five years now, you know I think that waking up and doing a few minutes of core/stretching is key to having a good day of life and training. And think about it: 10 minutes a day of yoga/core = 70 minutes a week, which ends up being nearly 60 HOURS every year of core and yoga. That’s pretty solid for something that’s short enough that you barely need to set an alarm earlier.

Some of you have been doing my first morning flow video for a while now, so I figured it was time to post another one. It’s only 5 minutes, and even if you’ve never done yoga in your life, you’ll be able to make it through this super simple flow. Just give it a try for a couple days and see how you feel. I swear, it wakes me up more than coffee. And you guys know I love my coffee.

(Oh—and if you get to the end and feel like doing more, just hold a plank for an extra handful of seconds… I built up over the last few years to 5 minutes of plank variations during my morning yoga and it’s done a ton for my core!)

Let me know in the comments if you liked this video and if you’d like more different yoga flows to try out!



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