Your Summer Race is Cancelled… You May Need a Cycling Pivot Plan to Keep Progressing

by | Jun 11, 2020 | Training

How do you train for cycling when you don’t know when your next race is? With races canceled it is hard to set goals for cycling and you might wonder what type of training plan to follow.

What we have been talking about with coaching clients and on the podcast is the following frame work:

a) What do you like to do? With no racing, what are you drawn to do more of? Maybe you run more, or ride mountain bikes more … or start playing the piano. It’s all good!

b) What do you want to do in 2021, in 5 years, in 10 years … this longer term (rough) vision of yourself can help us decide on some things to work on.

c) What do you need to learn or improve or get better at? If you fade on the last lap of races or struggle with starts … this is the year to focus on it and mix up your training.

With that said, you need a plan and these are 3 training plans that Consummate Athletes are using to move towards long term goals and address those thing that they need to work on while incorporating things they enjoy.

Cycling Pivot Plans

The Endurance Booster Plan

– you need endurance and with no weekend races this is the year to start adding a couple longer rides (>90 minutes) to that time-limited routine. Without the full-day at races, traveling to events and group rides you likely have a couple of hours during the week you could dedicate to the time tested practice of endurance training.

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The FTP Booster

We can debate the merits of sweet spot, FTP, TSS vs. Polarized, HIIT but the reality is people love FTP and seeing those number going up. If you want to break through or regain that old FTP then you need to make that output more familiar. Stop testing FTP and start TRAINING FTP.

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The Speed Booster Plan

If you like to go long and grind away at low rpm this plan helps push you use a variety of cadences and ride at both low and high intensity. This is one for the polarized loving athletes or the ones who have been grinding away at FTP and Sweet spot for a while.

= get it now via training peaks

= get it and a phone consultation to customize it to your goals for $99 -> Buy Now


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