Your Best Running Tip for Triathlon from a Pro Ironman

by | May 2, 2020 | Training

Pro Ironman triathlete Alyssa Godesky came on The Consummate Athlete Podcast recently to share some tips on training for triathlon, and she DELIVERED. Her best swim, bike and run tips are invaluable, so we decided to put them on here for easy access.

Give the episode a listen, and enjoy her best advice here for cycling:

On the mental side of things, just know that it’s hard for everyone. When you see Mirinda Carfrae at the winning end of the women’s field and she’s like looking like she’s floating on air, she is still gutting herself to be running that hard. And it is really, really hard and she would probably rather sit down and rest right at any given time. So, understanding that it’s going to be hard is like step one. You do all the training and it’s still going to be a hard day.

And then I would say the best other piece of advice would be to the aid stations are a very slippery slope. In Ironman nowadays, especially in the US, they put aid stations every mile often and if you let yourself walk through the aid stations, it adds up. If you plan to run as much as possible, running through most of the aid stations is huge, because the time adds up so quickly. Think about it, you stopped to walk for one minute, and that’s 25 minutes, that is almost a half an hour to your whole marathon time.

You can still walk through some—like deciding that every five miles, I will walk one and then I will run the next few, until mile 10. Something like that. But don’t bargain with yourself to slow down at every one.

Check out the whole episode here and if you love it, leave us a rating and review to help support the show! Listen to Alyssa Godesky on The Consummate Athlete Podcast

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