Want to Know What Winning UnBound Takes?

by | Jun 20, 2021 | Training

Over on Bicycling’s website, I chatted with UnBound winner Ian Boswell, and dug into his power file with sports scientist and coach Neal Henderson, to figure out how to win UnBound. And some of the info was fairly straightforward: To win UnBound, Ian had a 1000-watt sprint. But what was super interesting was how his files compared to another guy who finished 74th overall. In relative terms, most people who are racing UnBound (meaning working towards a result, rather than a finish) have incredibly similar relative efforts. This article gets nerdy AF, so if you love data, you’ll find it super interesting.

Click to read:

unbound ian boswell

PS: Yes, you’ll need a subscription to access this article—but Bicycling is well worth the few $$, and supporting cycling journalism is super important if you want to see coverage continuing. (As someone who works in the cycling media world, I can tell you that none of us are getting rich off of these subscriptions, they’re just keeping the lights on as magazines pivot and try to exist in a digital world.)

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