V. Important Things: How Short Can You Make Your Workout?

by | May 17, 2019 | Training

While I love to be out and running on the trails for hours, I am also VERY aware that sometimes, that’s not an option—in fact, for most of us, it’s rarely an option. That’s why last week on CXHair’s Podcast, I talked A LOT about my sub-15 minute morning core and yoga routine that I’ve been doing now every morning for the last 5 years. It’s changed a bit since I started, but ultimately, it’s combined some core (mainly planks but a few dynamic movements) with a yoga flow plus some more PT-type exercises that help me with my knee and hip issues. That 15 minutes is pretty easy to sneak in right when I wake up and it adds up to nearly 2 hours a week of training—or 100 hours per year. When you put it like that, suddenly, using that 15 or 30 minutes that you DO have to train makes a lot of sense, right? So when Rally asked me to do a piece on how short you could make a workout (and what to do in that time), I was psyched because it’s a topic I’m super passionate about. It’s so easy to skip the workout because you can’t do the full 90minutes or however long… but what if you could get a huge chunk of the physical and mental benefits by doing a shorter version? (Spoiler alert: You absolutely can reap huge benefits in just a few minutes.) But read the whole piece for the science and for some expert-backed suggestions for the top workouts to choose from.

Click to read: How Short Can You Make Your Workout? 

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