Upcoming “Bike Skills Foundations” – Level 1 and 2 Courses

by | Oct 17, 2014 | Training

Check out this months Course offerings in Southern Ontario.

Bike Skills Foundations – Level 1

CAD$100•Purchase required to enroll 2 hour course

Assesses, Explains and Develops the foundational skills required to thrive in any cycling discipline.

Topics Covered: -> Slow speed skills, Rolling over obstacles (weight transfer), Front Wheel Lift, Cornering, Standing Pedaling, balancing

Great course for beginners and intermediates looking to gain confidence, speed and fun in their riding.

Many advanced riders find the assessment of these foundations reveals areas they can work on to build their consistency and ability to perform more advanced skills (e.g. poor front wheel lift limiting jumping or log hop)

November 1 =  At Hardwood Hills Barrie – MTB

November 2 = Dufferin Forest 2 hour course

November 13 =  Joyride 150 – 2 hour course – Bike Fee/Entry fee extra of $25 will be added to account

Bike Skills Foundations – Level 1

Bike Skills Foundations – Level 2

CAD$125Purchase required to enroll
A 3 Hour Course Clients should have participated in Bike Skills Foundations – Level 1 prior to this course.
Advanced clients may be allowed entry without the Pre-Requisite. Continues the assessment and development of foundational skills to include variations and progressions
Topics Covered include Slow speed skills, trackstand, side hop , trials skills, Cornering berms, Cornering exceptions , Log hop / wheel lift progressions,
Depending on location and group focus may cover: Jumping basics, Drop-Offs, Mount-Dismount, Cyclocross skills, Hike a Bike, Pedal kick wheel lift, Skinnies, Teeter Totters, fakie riding, trials skills

November 1  Hardwood Hills Barrie Ontario – ** Trail pass must be purchased on top of entry fee

Bike Skills Foundations – Level 2



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